Comparing the effects of titanium alloy and chrome cobalt in removable partial denture connectors on tooth mobility, bone loss and tissue reaction

Mise à jour : Il y a 4 ans
Référence : ISRCTN13611836

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Background and study aims Losing teeth is an inevitable part of the aging process for some people. The gaps left by missing teeth can cause problems with eating or speech, as well as affecting appearance, which can be distressing for the sufferer. Dentures are removable false teeth designed to replace missing teeth. They can be complete (a full set), for someone has lost all the teeth on the upper and/or lower jaw or partial, which replace just one tooth or several missing teeth. They typically consist of an acrylic (plastic), nylon or metal plate with false teeth attached, that can be slotted into place. In the case of partial dentures, connectors (metal clips) are often used to hold the dentures in the mouth securely, by clipping onto natural teeth. In recent years titanium has been used far more in the manufacture of these connectors, as it is very flexible, strong and long-lasting. The aim of this study is to compare how using titanium alloy and the traditional metal cobalt-chromium for dentures affects long-term tooth and gum health. Who can participate? Healthy men over 55 years of age who have lost some of their teeth. What does the study involve? Participants are randomly allocated to one of two groups. Participants in the first group receive dentures with connectors constructed from titanium alloy (Ta) to wear during waking hours throughout the two years of the study. Participants in the second group receive dentures with connectors constructed from chrome cobolt (Co-Cr) to wear during waking hours throughout the two years of the study. After 6, 12, 18 and 24 months, participants in both groups have a dental examination to find out how the dentures have affected their teeth and gums. What are the possible benefits and risks of participating? Participants benefit from receiving free dental treatment during this study. There are no expected risks of taking part in this study. Where is the study run from? Al-Azhar University-Assiut Branch (Egypt) When is the study starting and how long is it expected to run for? January 2013 to January 2015 Who is funding the study? Albaha University (Saudi Arabia) Who is the main contact? Professor Khalid Arafa [email protected]

Critère d'inclusion

  • Removable partial dentures
