The effects of exercise and vibration therapy on bone density and physical function in females aged 55-80 with osteoporosis

Update Il y a 4 ans
Reference: ISRCTN17157277

Woman Man

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Background and study aims Osteoporosis is a condition that weakens bones, making them fragile and more likely to break. It is growing in prevalence and is proving costly for health care services. There are many aspects to treatment, one of which is exercise. The aim of this study is to compare two different forms of exercise to see which has a better effect on bone density, physical ability and quality of life, and also to compare the effect of these exercises to standard treatment (advice). Who can participate? Post-menopausal women between 55 and 80 years of age who have been diagnosed with low bone density, and have no significant mobility limitations or medical conditions that would preclude moderate exercise. What does the study involve? Participants will be requested to have an initial assessment including an interview, a bone density scan, a blood test for indicators of bone chemistry, and a series of balance and simple physical ability tests, as well as completion of three questionnaires including a standardised Quality of Life questionnaire which some people may find to include questions which are irrelevant to them or may be of a sensitive, personal nature. Once the initial testing is complete, participants will be randomly allocated to either the usual care group (i.e., to receive advice on bone health, diet and physical activity) or to one of the two exercise groups. The GP of each participant in the exercise groups will be notified and the doctor may decide to withdraw their patient from this study if, he/she feels it is in their best interest. One of the exercise groups will stand or lean on a vibrating plate while doing some of the exercises. Another group will complete the same exercise class and the same set of exercises on the vibration platform but the vibration will be switched off. All three groups will be reassessed using the same tests at the end of the exercise period and after 4 months. What are the possible benefits and risks of participating? For those in the standard care group there will be no added risks as all the assessments are routine clinical tests. There will be minimal risks with taking any blood sample such as fainting or feeling light-headed, bruising or infection. Those who participate in the exercise programmes will be carefully screened prior to starting the programme by a Chartered Physiotherapist and will be monitored during the sessions where they will be exercising within levels deemed safe. All exercise activity will be carried out in University College Dublin and the personnel supervising will be professional therapists who have been trained on a life-saving course. Where is the study run from? University College Dublin (Ireland). When is the study starting and how long is it expected to run for? From December 2010 to December 2011. Who is funding the study? University College Dublin (Ireland). Who is the main contact? Aoife Stephenson [email protected]

Inclusion criteria

  • Osteoporosis Osteopenia
