Acceptability and Continuation Rate of Implanon in a Brazilian Public Sector

Mise à jour : Il y a 4 ans
Référence : NCT01392157

Femme Homme

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The main side-effect of Implanon is the changes induces in bleeding patterns including amenorrhea, infrequent to irregular bleeding and frequent and prolonged bleeding; without any previous symptom and it was characterized as "breakthrough bleeding" (BTB). BTB is the main causes of early discontinuations. Unfortunately, there is no indication to predict prior to insertion what sort of bleeding pattern any individual woman may have after insertion and the proposed treatments were disappointed. Nevertheless, previous studies with other progestin-only contraceptives (including Implanon) provide evidence that the provision of adequate and intensive counseling to potential users and new acceptors about bleeding changes can help to improve method continuation. The availability of Implanon in the public sector could help in the development of strategies to introduce the method in the public sector network and the training of medical residents.

Critère d'inclusion

  • Contraceptive Usage,Bleeding Due to Intrauterine Contraceptive Device
