Trial of Option Grid for Arthritis of the knee (TOGA): easy to use shared decision making tools for disadvantaged groups

Mise à jour : Il y a 4 ans
Référence : ISRCTN94871417

Femme et Homme

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Background and study aims Option Grids are one-page evidence-based summaries of the available condition-specific treatment options, listing patients’ frequently asked questions. They are designed to be brief and accessible enough to support better communication between patients and doctors during routine consultations. This study aims to find out whether an Option Grid for osteoarthritis of the knee (OA of the knee) aids in shared decision making (SDM), and to explore the use of Option Grids by patients with language difficulties or poor medical knowledge. Who can participate? Patients over the age of 18 with osteoarthritis of the knee referred to a specialist musculoskeletal clinic in Oldham (Pennine MSK Ltd) can participate. What does the study involve? We will collect information from two groups of people: one group will be given an Option Grid by their doctor in their appointment; the other group will not be given an Option Grid by their doctor. We will then compare the information we collect from both groups to see if there are any differences. What are the possible benefits and risks of taking part? The information we gain from this study may help us provide future patients with osteoarthritis of the knee with better information about the available treatment options. Apart from the time and effort required to take part in the study, we foresee no difficulties or risks to taking part. Where is the study run from? The study is being run by researchers in the School of Medicine at Cardiff University, UK. When is the study starting and how long is it expected to run for? Recruitment to the study started in September 2013 and is expected to finish in March 2014. Who is funding the study? The study is being funded by the Bupa Foundation, UK. Who is the main contact? Dr Fiona Wood [email protected]

Critère d'inclusion

  • Osteoarthritis of the knee
