MyHomeDoctor - Suivi des patients après une chirurgie ambulatoire

The latest studies inserted

Kusajili is updated regularly with data from the following sources: ACTRN, EU Clinical Trials Register, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Clinical Study Register, Clinical Trials Search Portal provides, ISRCTN, JPRN, ClinicalTrials - NCT, Pfizer, Takeda, Pubmed.

Spotlight on 3 studies

Regularly we prefer 3 studies to help the inclusion of patients.

A Trial of Aspirin on Recurrence and Survival in Colon Cancer Patients

The purpose of this study is to determine whether acetylsalicylic acidis effective on the recurrence and survival of colon cancer patients.

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A study to investigate the effect of a new postural bio-feedback device on low back pain

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Evaluation of Alirocumab Versus Ezetimibe on Top of Statin in Asia in High Cardiovascular Risk Patients With Hypercholesterolemia

Primary Objective: To demonstrate the reduction of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) by alirocumab in comparison to ezetimibe as add-on therapy to stable maximally tolerated daily statin therapy in high cardiovascular (CV) risk patients with hypercholesterolemia in Asia. Secondary Objectives: - To evaluate the effect of alirocumab on other lipid parame...

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Kusajili is a protean search engine that addresses the need to simplify access to registers and patient inclusions.
Kusajili makes it possible to find in a few clicks, the numerous French and international trials referenced.
Kusajili, associated with MyHomeDoctor, facilitates multicenter clinical trials.
Docteur CRETON, Créateur de KUSAJILI

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