CT Scan and Lung Ultrasonography to Improve Diagnostic of Ventilation Acquired Pneumonia in ICU

Update Il y a 4 ans
Reference: NCT03018431

Woman and Man

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We aim to show that systematic ultrasonography performed in ventilated patients suspected of ventilation-acquired pneumonia could improve the accuracy of diagnostic of pneumonia, and helps defining the diagnostic of tracheobronchitis when lower respiratory tract infection is considered. Chest CT scan is often performed before or just after admission in ICU, and usually show abnormalities that are revealed later on standard radiographs. This last exam is traditionally considered as the gold standard to prove new pulmonary infiltrates, but the correlation with parenchymal consolidation is pretty low, and lead to over-diagnosing pneumonia, thus leading to a massive and maybe sometimes unconsidered prescription of antibiotic therapy. Lung ultrasonography conducted systematically within the 3 first days after suspcion of pneumonia could help making the difference between real infection-linked lesions, and banal abnormalities following the hydric inflation of intra-thoracic organs, for instance pulmonary edema or pleural effusion. An independent evaluation using lung ultrasound, and analysis of CT scan acquisition when performed, compared with the physician in charge of the patient appreciation by suggesting him to provide his own probability of pneumonia upon routine clinical and biological datas.

Inclusion criteria

  • Ventilator associated pneumonia,Tracheobronchitis
