A Study for Evaluating the SCIO Biofeedback Device's Ability to Increase Body Wellness After One 45-minute Session

Update Il y a 4 ans
Reference: NCT01130454

Woman and Man

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The objective of the study is to determine if one 45-minute treatment with the SCIO (Scientific Consciousness Interface Operations System) biofeedback device would show a change, and hopefully an improvement, on a person's Body Wellness indicators (Quality of Life Questionnaire, Energy Index Factor, Strength, Oxidation, Flexibility, Memory, pH, and VARHOPE scores (V=voltage, A=amperage, R=resistance, H=hydration, O=oxygenation, P=proton pressure and E=electron pressure), electrical measures within the device. For subjects in the control group, it is expected that there will likely be an improvement of approximately 5% in measured variables. That is, subjects in the control group will likely report some of the positive changes listed above for test group subjects. However, on average, any positive change in post-treatment measures for control subjects is expected to occur to a significantly lesser degree than for subjects in the test group.

Inclusion criteria

  • Stress
