Impact of Narrative Medicine (Workshop Reflexive Writing)

Update Il y a 4 ans
Reference: NCT01798069

Woman and Man

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Objective: The aim of this study is to assess the impact of an educational program of Narrative Medicine "workshop reflexive writing "dedicated to medical students on the satisfaction of standardized patients. Design: Randomized Controlled Trial in 2 arms. Participants: Medical students (4th years) of the University Paris Descartes. Methods: Participants will be randomized in two groups. The allocation of participants will be done by a computerized randomization list, the sequence will be created by an independent statistician. Participants will be blinded of the study hypothesis. Allocation concealment will be provided because only the statistician will have access to the randomization list. A program of Narrative Medicine in Class-led instruction "workshop reflexive writing "vs "workshop reading medical publication". Outcome: The primary endpoint will be the satisfaction of standardized patient relative to the empathy of the medical students. The secondary endpoints will be the empathy of the medical students; recommendation of the student by the standardized patients to friends or relatives; students' satisfaction. Potential interests: The investigators believe that the workshop "reflexive writing" can develop the thinking of the student with respect to his behavior with the patient, and so the relation between student and patient.

Inclusion criteria

  • Empathy
