Continuous Pre-uterine Wound Infiltration Versus Intrathecal Morphine for Postoperative Analgesia After Cesarean Section

Update Il y a 4 ans
Reference: NCT02279628

Woman Man

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The cesarean section is considered as a painful surgery during the post operative period. Mothers may need to move immediately after the surgery to take care of their babies. This may increase the risk of major pain and chronic pain. Thus, excellent postoperative analgesia is required so that mothers do not experience pain in caring for their baby. Currently, several techniques have been developed to manage postoperative pain related to c-section scar such as intrathecal morphine during spinal anesthesia or continuous pre-peritoneal wound infiltration. The comparison between anesthetic techniques has never been performed and it is still not know if the combination of intrathecal morphine plus continuous pre-peritoneal wound infiltration provide a synergistic or additional effect on pain relief.

Inclusion criteria

  • Postoperative pain
