Establishment of Reference Values for Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 (IGF1) in the General Population

Update Il y a 4 ans
Reference: NCT01831648

Woman and Man

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Various assays can be used for IGF-I measurement in French laboratories. Unfortunately, each assay gives a very different result for the same sample. As IGF-I also varies with age, it is necessary to establish a broad population reference values of IGF1 concentration for each of the IGF1 assays used in clinical practice, taking into account individual variation factors such as age, nutritional status and possible treatments. The objective of this study is to establish normative data based on a large random selection from the general population, including representation from all age groups (around 100 subjects for each decade age range). This will be performed for all the available assay kits. Subjects with medical conditions and medications that may affect the outcome will be excluded. Normative data will include the range (2.5 to 97.5 percentiles) in mass units and results will be reported as mass units but also as SD scores in order to be able, in a given patient, to compare its IGF-I concentration along time, even if using different assays.

Inclusion criteria

  • Population
