Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind, Multicenter Study to Determine the Effectiveness and Safety of Vedolizumab in Prevention of Recurrence of Crohn's Disease of the mucosa in Patients with ...

Update Il y a 4 ans
Reference: EUCTR2015-000555-24

Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind, Multicenter Study to Determine the Effectiveness and Safety of Vedolizumab in Prevention of Recurrence of Crohn's Disease of the mucosa in Patients with Surgical Removel of the area between the small and the large bowel. Estudio multicéntrico, aleatorizado, controlado con placebo, doble-ciego, para determinar la seguridad y eficacia de Vedolizumab en la prevención de la recurrencia endoscópica en la enfermedad de Crohn, en pacientes previamente sometidos a extirpación quirúrgica del área entre el intestino delgado y el grueso

Woman and Man

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The primary objective of this prospective placebo-controlled study is to assess the ability of vedolizumab to prevent postoperative endoscopic recurrence of Crohn’s disease in the neoterminal ileum. El objetivo primario de este estudio prospectivo controlado con placebo es valorar la capacidad de vedolizumab para prevenir la recurrencia endoscópica postoperatoria de la enfermedad de Crohn en el íleon terminal

Inclusion criteria

  • Crohn’s Disease,enfermedad de Crohn
