Study Two on the Effectiveness of Mindfulness Training for Smokers

Update Il y a 4 ans
Reference: NCT01299909

Woman and Man

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The MTS2 study enrollment goal is N=240 adult smokers randomized to study treatments. The study design includes two randomized arms to compare matched intensive interventions and a third non-randomized option for participants who prefer not to enter an intensive intervention. It is expected that roughly 50% (120) will choose to be in the randomized intensive interventions and 50% (120) will choose to be in the non-intensive intervention. Participants who choose to be in an intensive intervention will be randomized to either Mindfulness Training for Smokers(MTS) (n = 60) or Integrated Training for Smokers (ITS)(n=60). Both MTS and ITS are smoking cessation interventions that provide 8 classes over a 6-week period and 2 weeks of nicotine patches. MTS provides and training in mindfulness whereas ITS provides training in quit smoking strategies and access to the Freedom From Smoking Online Premium Program. Participants who choose to be in a non-intensive intervention (estimated from prior recruitment data at n=120) will receive a phone-based intervention through the Wisconsin Tobacco Quit Line and 2 weeks of nicotine patches.

Inclusion criteria

  • Nicotine dependence
