Mobility Assessment Using Surrogates in Elderly Participants

Mise à jour : Il y a 4 ans
Référence : NCT03032341

Femme et Homme

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The purpose of this research study is to find out if mobility (the ability to move around) can be reliably assessed by having the family or care giver caregiver take a video based test for the patient. If this study shows that mobility can be assessed by family or caregiver, this information can be used in situations where mobility cannot be measured directly in patients. A total of 60 patients and 60 family/caregivers at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center will take part in this study. Patients physical function will be assessed using a test that uses short movie clips to assess mobility. Patients will be asked to watch ten short (~10 seconds each) movie clips that describe various tasks such as climbing up hills or walking and estimate if they can perform the tasks. The familymember/caregiver will be also asked to answer the questions on behalf of the patient. The family member/caregiver will be asked to return to take the same test in the next 1-14 days. The patient will be in the study for one day. There is no intervention, this is observational.

Critère d'inclusion

  • Mobility Limitation
