Multifaceted Depression and Cardiovascular Program

Mise à jour : Il y a 4 ans
Référence : NCT02069912

Femme et Homme

  • | Pays :
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  • | Organes :
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  • | Spécialités :
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1. Implement an evidence-based structured care approach that includes screening; acute treatment and relapse prevention follow-up tailored for public sector clinics and low-income and minority patients. 2. Adapt an evidence-based collaborative care model for primary care, implement the adapted model, evaluate and further refine the model based on the pilot experience, and produce and disseminate a detailed manual for use in public sector clinics. 3. Evaluate Multifaceted Depression and Cardiovascular Program (MDCP) in an open trial to determine: its acceptance by patients, medical providers, and organizational decision-makers; patient depression treatment adherence; its direct cost; and the size and variability of change from baseline in the primary outcome measures: depressive symptoms, functional status, quality of life, health service use, and cardiac status at 6 and 12 month follow-up.

Critère d'inclusion

  • depression,Depressive Disorder,Behavioral Symptoms,Mood Disorders
