Centralized IIS-based Reminder/Recall to Increase Childhood Influenza Vaccination Rates

Mise à jour : Il y a 4 ans
Référence : NCT02761551

Femme et Homme

  • | Pays :
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Despite U.S. guidelines for influenza vaccination of all children starting at age 6 months, only about half of children are vaccinated annually leading to substantial influenza disease in children and spread of disease to adults. A major barrier is that families are not reminded about the need for their children to receive influenza vaccination. The investigators will evaluate the impact of patient reminder/recall (R/R) performed by state immunization information systems to improve influenza vaccination rates by using three clinical trials in two states. The investigators will assess effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of phone reminder/recall on improving influenza vaccination rates. The investigators will disseminate the state immunization information system based reminder/recall system to all states for use for both seasonal and pandemic influenza vaccinations with the goal of lowering influenza morbidity.

Critère d'inclusion

  • Reminder Systems,Influenza Vaccines
