Caesarean and Corticotherapy

Mise à jour : Il y a 4 ans
Référence : NCT00446953

Femme Homme

  • | Pays :
  • France
  • | Organes :
  • -
  • | Spécialités :
  • -


Comparison of two randomized group : - caesarean section planned at 38 weeks after 2 antenatal injections of 12 mg of betamethasone 48 h before. - caesarean section planned at 39 weeks without corticosteroid. The aim is to demonstrate that programming caesarean section at 38 weeks of pregnancy, after antenatal corticosteroid, allows to avoid caesarean section in emergency (because of a labour before 39 weeks), without increasing the neonatal respiratory distress rate.

Critère d'inclusion

  • Neonatal Distress
