MyHomeDoctor - Suivi des patients après une chirurgie ambulatoire

Les dernières études insérées

Kusajili est mis à jour régulièrement avec les données des sources suivantes : ACTRN, EU Clinical Trials Register, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Clinical Study Register, Clinical Trials Search Portal provides, ISRCTN, JPRN, ClinicalTrials - NCT, Pfizer, Takeda, Pubmed.

Coup de projecteur sur 3 études

Régulièrement nous privilégions 3 études pour aider à l'inclusion des patients.

Addition of Ipilimumab (MDX-010) To Isolated Limb Infusion (ILI) With Standard Melphalan and Dactinomycin In The Treatment of Advanced Unresectable Melanoma of The Extremity

The purpose of this study is to see the effect of adding a systemic study drug, Ipilimumab, to two standard chemotherapy drugs, Melphalan and Dactinomycin. The study drug Ipilimumab is an antibody to a normal protein found in the body, CTLA-4. This protein normally allows the immune system (the body's natural defense system that helps fight infections) uses to quiet an immu...

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Efficacy and safety of Artesunate plus Sulphadoxine-Pyrimethamine for the treatment of uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria in malaria control center Asadabad in Kunar province of Afghanistan

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Preoperative Relaxation Training and Acupuncture to Minimize Perioperative Symptoms in Breast Cancer Patients

Breast cancer surgery is associated with presurgical psychological distress and clinically significant side effects including postsurgical pain, nausea and fatigue. A few studies have examined how to intervene to assist women undergoing breast cancer surgery. For example presurgical hypnosis has been proven to decrease side effects and even intraoperative anesthesia use. Be...

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Kusajili est un moteur de recherche protéiforme qui répond aux besoins de simplifier l'accès aux registres et l'inclusions des patients.
Kusajili permet de retrouver en quelques clics, les multiples études Française et internationales référencées.

Kusajili, associé à MyHomeDoctor, facilite les études cliniques multicentriques.
Docteur CRETON, Créateur de KUSAJILI

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