MyHomeDoctor - Suivi des patients après une chirurgie ambulatoire

Les dernières études insérées

Kusajili est mis à jour régulièrement avec les données des sources suivantes : ACTRN, EU Clinical Trials Register, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Clinical Study Register, Clinical Trials Search Portal provides, ISRCTN, JPRN, ClinicalTrials - NCT, Pfizer, Takeda, Pubmed.

Coup de projecteur sur 3 études

Régulièrement nous privilégions 3 études pour aider à l'inclusion des patients.

An exploratory open trial to examine the safety of transplantation of autologous adipose tissue-derived stem cells for periodontal regeneration

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Chemotherapy AND Bcl-xL Inhibitor (AT-101) For Organ Preservation In Adults With Advanced Laryngeal Cancer

To evaluate a new treatment approach for adults with advanced laryngeal cancer: induction chemotherapy with platinum and docetaxel plus AT-101. AT-101 is an investigational drug for the treatment of advanced cancer. It is hoped that the combination of this chemotherapy regimen will allow cancer patients to keep their voice box and to improve/maintain voice-related quality o...

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KiVa Anti-bullying Program in Chile: Evaluation of Effectiveness With and Without the Digital Game Component

Bullying is a major problem worldwide and, with no exception, in Chile. Bullying is defined as a systematic aggressive behavior against a victim who cannot defend himself or herself. Victims suffer many consequences such as social isolation, psychological maladjustment, and self-injury behavior. Additionally, bullies have a higher risk for conduct problems and substance use...

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Kusajili est un moteur de recherche protéiforme qui répond aux besoins de simplifier l'accès aux registres et l'inclusions des patients.
Kusajili permet de retrouver en quelques clics, les multiples études Française et internationales référencées.

Kusajili, associé à MyHomeDoctor, facilite les études cliniques multicentriques.
Docteur CRETON, Créateur de KUSAJILI

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