Level of Activity in Lumbar Spinal Stenosis Patients Pre- and Post-surgery

Update Il y a 4 ans
Reference: NCT02154191

Woman and Man

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The purpose of the proposed research is to explore the relationship between objectively measured physical activity and surgical intervention for lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS). Our primary hypothesis is that post-surgery, LSS patients will demonstrate increased physical activity compared to their baseline assessment. A non-intervention control group will be measured at the same time intervals as the surgical group to look at test re-test reliability. In the event that our hypothesis is rejected, and surgery does not lead to a decrease in sedentary behaviour analysis of questionnaire-based sedentary behaviour measures and objective activity-based measurement can examine the relationship between self-report and actual performance-based objective measures. The primary objective of our proposal is to determine if surgical intervention leads to increased activity, and decreased sedentary behaviour. The findings of the proposed research will inform healthcare stakeholders that if surgery alone does not lead to increased activity, a more concerted research effort may need to be made for post-surgical rehabilitation, lifestyle and physical activity counselling so that post-surgical patients may make changes toward leading more active and productive lives.

Inclusion criteria

  • Spinal stenosis
